July 2017

Mayil eNieuws

Dearest eNews readers,

During the past two months I gave ten lectures all over Belgium and Holland, meeting all kinds of people from across these countries and talking about the latest book which was released in Dutch this spring, "How to feel at home in your life". Some of these people were true Master Morya fans who always keep their Morya books close at hand. During the break or at the end of programmes, several of them shared their love of these treasured Morya books with me and, independently of one another, told me how they could always find help within their pages. Whenever they have a question or problem, they just open one of the books and the answer is always there.  

My father used to tell me how these books will eventually make their way around the world and I will certainly keep working together with people everywhere until this comes to pass. eRegards from Marie

Marie spreekt over het werkboek (video)

Meditation for the full moon of 9th July 2017 

Master Morya,

"Often it's the attention someone is given that's important. You can notice this in your own life. When you are given attention, you will surpass yourself because you'll try to bring to expression what is really important. If someone gives you his attention, you are standing in the centre of certain energies. When that attention is given with love, you also receive this energy of love. In this way you find yourself in the centre of a certain energy, and so become more yourself. 

It's important, therefore, to pay attention to your fellow men and women. But, just as important, is that you do this with love, because then you are creating a centre of loving energies, wherein the life of your neighbour is able to change. Moreover, when you deal lovingly with your neighbour, you are actually being just as loving with yourself, because your lives are connected. This means a very great simplicity comes into life. 

Simplicity is always there when people learn to understand one another. To understand someone is not always evident or easy, because this involves allowing foreign energies into your own life. When you understand someone, then you allow the other to be himself and, actually, this is a little strange. It means you accept another energy into your heart and there try to learn to see its essence. Thus, you should be able to experience openness towards one another, because then you allow what is essential into your heart, and with that you can go forwards."

Meester Morya

Master Morya

© Mayil.com, Geert Crevits - Source:
"Morya Wijsheid 8: In het centrum van je leven staan" (Living in the centre of your life), excerpt from chapter 5

Morya Wijsheid Werkboek voor het leven
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