Full moon letters

Ever since 2002, Mayil vzw has compliled a newsletter for its readers at every full moon. Master Morya's inspiring text is preceded by a personal introduction and sent by email. Over the years, a whole treasury of insightful 'full moon letters' has been accumulating, which you consult in part here.

Click on the Choose button and be surprised, or browse the list and make your own choice.

The most recent newsletters can be found at mayil.org. Anyone can receive the Mayil eNews for free; subscribe at www.mayil.org. The newsletter is also available in Dutch, German and Polish.

Mayil eNieuws

Let chance choose a newsletter for you:

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  • January 2016
  • The real world is the world of values, Master Morya says.  It is an inner world with forces such as love, peace, beauty, patience and purity.

  • February 2016
  • "Every morning and evening, you should be able to take five minutes, or one minute, to spend with God, to let his energy come into your heart. In this way you will get what you might call a cleansing, you will gain insight, a renewing insight."

  • March 2016
  • "You are a vulnerable person. But you should also realize that there can be a sincerety in your heart, a sincerity that can cope with everything."

  • April 2016
  • "This is a phase during which you will need to have patience with yourself because you can’t just change everything in your life all at once."

  • May 2016
  • "Everything on this Earth gives the impression of being transitory, and yet there is always a fundamental and enduring activity taking place and this is what you should try to find and to experience."

  • June 2016
  • "If you are searching for peace, then do it consciously, and realize what it means to learn to see things in a quiet and calm way, without worrying about little things. Because the world is full of so many little things, and you can be so preoccupied with them ..."

  • July 2016
  • "... in other words, you should not think that because there are difficulties in your life you are not doing things correctly"

  • August 2016
  • "Every now and then say to yourself: 'I can handle anything.' And even when things are difficult, realize: 'I know how to ask, to ask for help, to ask for wisdom, to ask for light.'"

  • September 2016
  • "Give the other what he or she needs but also take what you need for yourself, this is very important. Then you will go forward, then you can also truly be happy."

  • October 2016
  • "It's better to go slowly, because when you aspire for something with your heart you are in simplicity and, above all, you begin to set things in order. And this order is difficult because the Earth is in chaos."

  • November 2016
  • "Therefore don’t think that it is impossible to achieve anything, no matter what it might be, but you do need to take that small step, that little bit of fire you can discover within yourself in order to do what is good."

  • December 2016
  • "The external things in the world can often be the cause of your becoming disturbed, of allowing yourself to become disturbed and annoyed by situations, by things or noises or people around you, and you should try to recognize this for yourself."


  • January 2017
  • "It is important for a person to develop a certain maturity of life, to not be frightened of gaining their own experiences, whether these be physical, emotional or mental; it’s important that you educate yourself, that you allow yourself to experience a number of things"

  • February 2017
  • "Whatever your experience may be, whether it is negative or positive, you have to find this peace, this rest, because there is not a single cause that can have a negative effect if you can relax and bring yourself to this state of rest."

  • March 2017
  • "Intuition is a little bit of light that comes from God and shows you what could be, what is possible. When you follow your intuition, when you follow these moments of light, you will be guided."

  • April 2017
  • "I set my sights on that inner smile, on there where I, myself, am Buddha, there where I am upraised above the world, there where I have learned to stand in the light."

  • May 2017
  • It's an example of how to deal with the tricky problem of battling with circumstances, something which can really spoil your life. A simple, great way of attaining calm...

  • June 2017
  • Enjoy the wise counsel these children received in the midst of their adolescence, a counsel still perfectly applicable to all of us today. 

  • July 2017
  • "If someone gives you his attention, you are standing in the centre of certain energies. When that attention is given with love, you also receive this energy of love."

  • August 2017
  • There are certain times in life when we try so much to do our best that we tend to overlook  ourselves. Master Morya keeps repeating: don't forget yourself, don't lose yourself while you are busy working, wanting, and trying.

  • September 2017
  • "When your attention for what you are working on begins to wane, it’s important that you take yourself in hand. This is not always self-evident; it needs training and practice."

  • October 2017
  • "Whatever you do makes a difference. The way you speak with your neighbour makes a difference. If you put someone down when you speak then you will go down with them. If you lift someone up when you speak then you will also be lifted up together with them."

  • November 2017
  • "The security of life cannot be found in materialism but lies in what is inspiriting. If a person sees that his life is inspirited, he will have a great security in life. The more inspirited a person is – the more he is touched by his soul and the more he is connected to his soul – the more assured he will feel in all kinds of circumstances."

  • December 2017
  • In some way or another Lahiri Mahasaya was very close and dear to me. He talked mainly about the Universal Christ consciousness, with which Jesus of Nazareth was also working, and which our time, according to Lahiri, makes it more possible than before to have clearer insights, and in many more domains than back then.

  • New Year 2017-2018
  • For the new year 2018 we chose a meditative text that characterizes Master Morya’s message well: it’s universal, gives hope and especially urges you to become yourself, believe in your own inner strength and dare to listen to your own intuition. 


  • January 2018
  • "I am talking here about people who have contact with the subtle worlds and let themselves be guided by them. This doesn’t mean you have to be running all over the place. On the contrary"

  • February 2018
  • "Even if life is difficult, you should still try to find this peace, this concentration, in order to say: This is my life."

  • March 2018
  • In this month's reflective text, Master Morya talks about the mechanism that lies behind the realization of little or bigger things that can take you forward.

  • April 2018
  • "The main lesson is learning to dare to make choices and not letting your choices be dependent upon others." - "When you can be a joyful person on this earth, you will have conquered yourself and you will have conquered a part of the world, because then you will have many supporters."

  • May 2018
  • "It is a real challenge to become what you are. You must learn to look into the depths of existence, to focus your consciousness there and learn to go beyond the point where you are now."

  • June 2018
  • "At times it may well be more difficult to learn to live with your own happiness than with the happiness of others.  Very strange, but it happens that people find it troublesome to be happy."

  • July 2018
  • I took the book "People and Society", about which one person had just made a comment and haphazardly opened it at chapter 11: 'Free from guilt'. About three people read out a paragraph chosen at random.

  • August 2018
  • "A person always has a problem about the one who is with him: ‘how can I accept this?’ There are so many differences in the other person that it is always annoying."

  • September 2018
  • "At a certain moment you have to learn to make that choice. Not so much: ‘what do others want of me?’  But: ‘what is deeply rooted within me, perhaps even a bit hidden? What can I discover in myself, what is my quality in this life? What can I do well, what do I enjoy doing, what is important?’"

  • October 2018
  • "It is good to be true to yourself, this is deeply meaningful. Don’t think that you have to comply and fall into line with others because you perhaps think: ‘maybe they know better, they have more experience, they are more objective.’ Don’t do it."

  • November 2018
  • "The Kingdom of God is like this; the contact with the Hierarchy is like this. At first a person hesitates, thinking: ‘Is this really true, is this real and can I trust in it?’ But in the course of his life, of the months and years that follow, he will receive an ever-greater clarity for himself."

  • December 2018
  • "Be a warrior, stand up for your own things, stand up for your life. You should really make something of your life, it makes no sense to throw in the towel and give up." 


  • January 2019
  • At the end of December I had a dream in which a gigantic hurricane was coming... - "When you reach the peaceful quiet within yourself, you are creating a stillness, an island of tranquillity, a dome."

  • February 2019
  • On February 20, 2012 -  seven years ago now - it was Geert's 68th birthday. So for the inspiration today I would like to take a look back at his life.

  • March 2019
  • Master Morya doesn't give any religious guidelines, He doesn't preach dogmas or create structures of a religious nature. He just states that God exists and offers to help each of us discover this for ourselves. Love sets free and that is what He does for us. 

  • April 2019
  • "It calls for courage to be joyful, because sometimes you can’t see any reason to be joyful.  So many discouraging things can happen on this earth that when you focus on these things, it may be you see no reason at all to be joyful."

  • May 2019
  • "So many people don’t understand what it means to live with their hearts because they don’t want to unleash this stream that would rush out to the other, because they don’t want to look upon others with the eyes of love."

  • June 2019
  • Do you dare to long for the infinite, the highest, the most beautiful, as the workbook suggests in the meditation exercise below? Awaken your wild dreams!  

  • July 2019
  • "When you go to your heart, when you stay in your heart, when you learn to think from your heart, then you will access your power, then you will find this simplicity and you will know what to do. Because this is a time when there is - and will be - a lot of confusion."

  • August 2019
  • "The reality of this Earth actually longs for relaxation.  The peace that should be able to take form on this Earth is due in part to the sense of relaxation that people have.  If you are constantly busy then take a break."

  • September 2019
  • "Then you may become disillusioned about life because you see so little around you that fits with what you are feeling and are actually busy with. You meet so few people who know about this and are also busy with the same thing. Try to overcome this feeling of disillusionment because otherwise you will not be living fully."

  • October 2019
  • “So don't go along with everything.  Be sensible; observe, study, search, and keep in mind that you must be virtuous and modest.  Not everything that comes your way will be good.  Know that you are being guided. This is the reason for these books"

  • November 2019
  • "It’s a question of seconds, maybe minutes. But this struggle is important, this struggle to dare to be happy and not to absorb too many things from others at the moment when you feel this happiness."

  • December 2019
  • “The world is a training ground” says one of those cards, and that’s how it is. If we can look at it from this perspective, we will immediately be able to start off with more self-confidence and inner calm. This full moon’s text also deals with this topic. It contains a few Morya riddles… So don’t read through it too quickly!

Master Morya's views on various interesting topics

Question & Answer

Overview of 9 key themes and basic principles of Master Morya


Choose a text and try out a simple meditation
