Question & answer

Questions about dying

Life & death

The body dies and eventually disappears, or doesn't it? -

from “Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity”
(Geert Crevits) ©

The body is in a great process of development, one that coincides with the development of this Earth. Because he doesn’t understand the Earth, the person also doesn’t understand that small lump of earth in which he is stuck.

The body is in a great process of development.

He is not only stuck on the Earth but also in that small piece of it, in the tiny clod of earth he is himself, his physicalness. He should dare to look at it and to live with it. He should see his body as being something mouldable, because it is. He should be able to be dissatisfied with these physical elements of his while at the same time being deeply satisfied and happy with them.

You should be able to be dissatisfied with your body while at the same time being deeply satisfied and happy with it.

A development of lives

This is an enormous contrast I shall explain here briefly. If you look at the body you can see it isn’t completed, it is in a process of development and in a development of lives.

I want to make this very clear: notwithstanding the fact you relinquish your body at the end of your life and take it on again at the moment of birth – of conception, to put it more correctly – whereby it will receive a form, at the time you take it on and relinquish it you still always have bodies connected to the body you now have. 

The information in your body is incorporated into the soul.

The body may be relinquished at the time of death but it leaves its traces. All the information in your body is incorporated into the soul and each time you take on a new body in a new incarnation all the experiences are there again. The experiences accompany you throughout your lives, despite the fact you are always taking on new bodies in which to live.

The body is always becoming nobler, more refined, approaching closer to immortality, because eventually you will be able to dismantle and rebuild your body yourself.

A connection with the infinite

You may wonder, “How could I ever be able to do this?” but it will happen when you will have become one with the knowledge in your soul. The soul accompanies you from life to life, constantly absorbing knowledge you aren’t able to reach, knowledge of its own.

If a person is honest with himself, he can, at any moment in his life, discover something much greater and infinite within himself or herself. He doesn’t need to undertake a scientific investigation to discover this, but should gain confidence in the deepness of himself. Because this confidence, this trust, is what will point out the way to the infinite. 

It isn’t science that will teach it to him, it is trust. Trust can make a connection to the infinite. When a person has trust, he opens himself for the Divine within himself. This is a very big step each person should try to take in his life if he wants to deepen his life – he must reach that point where he can trust in himself.

It isn’t science that will teach it to you, it is trust. If you want to deepen your life, you must reach that point where you can trust in yourself.

The right way to die

When things go wrong you should be able to realise: This mistake happened but it doesn’t mean I should lose trust in myself, even not in my physicalness. My body will follow me until the time I have learned enough from it. When I have the impression I should relinquish my body it shouldn’t be from a feeling, ‘I can’t go on anymore,’ no, it should be from the feeling, ‘I now give it over to God, I allow it to return from whence it came and I go on my way to the Divine.’

'My body will follow me until the time I have learned enough from it.'

If you are able to die in this way, if you can relinquish your body to God in this manner and from the body can step into the Divine, then you can immediately begin anew. Because then you enter your own sphere and it’s important to be able to find your way from your body to your own sphere.

To the extent you trust in life, you will trust in your own possibilities and realise you are being guided in times of trouble."

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: “Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity”
from chapter 7: 'The Earth,: body and third eye'

Morya Wisdom 2: Simplicity

Life & death

Is there something we can do for those who have passed away? What is better: burial or cremation?

from “Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart”
(Geert Crevits) ©

This is a very complex question. Later I will answer your question fully but for now this.

When someone is about to die

When you are confronted with someone who is near death, take care that you can be together with this person in silence, not saying anything and yet being present. It’s important that you can give him your attention in this silence, focusing yourself on him and having a contact with him in your heart. Don’t go to your thoughts but stay in your heart.

When you go in your heart you will know what that person needs. Looking from your heart you will feel what it is he needs. This could be silence, it could be rest, it could be less light, another kind of light, soft music, a certain sound, peace. It could be that someone who is around him should go away. It could be giving another kind of attention, it could be so many things but you will feel in your heart what should happen. Often two or three people may feel this at the same time.

This signifies that the person who is dying is going through a process of peace and going within, that he can be guided in this and that this can have a very great meaning. 

When you are confronted with someone who is near death, take care that you can be together with this person in silence, focusing yourself on him and having a contact with him in your heart.

Death can be a beautiful experience

When the person is guided in this manner he will find that death can be a beautiful experience, a mystical experience, a Godly experience. This can even have a very great meaning for the people present or for the family members; even for those who cannot be present.

It means that there can be an very deep intense contact and that this can be an essential moment in someone’s life. Sometimes it is more beautiful than the birth. It’s another kind of birth. When a person dies he is born in another place. That’s why he has so many things to arrange. Because when he arrives at this other place there is a reception, preparations have been made.

Death can be a beautiful experience.

When a person dies he is born in another place.

This is what is so beautiful about dying, that it can happen in a gentle manner and that it can be guided by people who are taking their leave and who know what this can mean for the one who is dying.

It is a profound moment about which you shouldn’t feel sad and about which you should be able to be happy for the one who is leaving.

Once the person is freed of his physical body, he will be able to see the people in their true form, this is to say with the radiance they bear.

Because, once he is freed of his physical body that he is leaving behind him, he will gain another view of the whole situation. From the inside out he will be able to see the people in their true form, this is to say with the radiance they bear.

Very many people on this Earth – no matter how insignificant they may be in their profession of small in stature, or of little importance for other people – have within them a very great radiance. Then the person who has passed away can see his relatives in another way, in a new manner.

This makes that in his life or in his passing away he may hesitate to leave them. Sometimes the person might decide to stay with them because of this real contact he has just now has with them. Sometimes he will, for his part, decide to guide them. 

Treat the body as you would a relic

When you treat the lifeless body as you would a relic, as something that remains and that the saint has worn, then this is right.

You should realize that what remains of the person is a remnant, something which holds his presence  and something that was very important to him during his lifetime and still is important during the time of his passing. Because a lot is still happening at the moment of death. He sees his body, but he also sees it in another way. He sees the function his body has for others, because this body still has a meaning for them. Even though it might have only a little significance, it still has a certain meaning.

You should realize that what remains of the person is a remnant, something which holds his presence  and something that was very important to him during his lifetime and still is important during the time of his passing.

There is also a part of his energy that remains in the body. This is especially true when the person lived a holy life that others have been able to more or less see or experience; then the body has a great significance.

The bodies of saints could have a very great significance for this Earth, and in that case it would be preferable to have the body buried; because this is a  permanent presence, the energy will always be present. And this can be a source of discoveries for the fellow beings. 


It’s not a must to have the body buried. You can also have the body cremated, because fire has a great significance as an purifying element, also for this Earth. Not that the body needs to be purified, but the Earth often has to deal with germs. When the body has suffered an illness it may indeed be better to cremate the remains and this can be important for the health of the Earth.

You have to repeatedly look at it in another way, in function of so many elements involved with the death and that are present there. That’s why there is no hard and fast rule for these things. Many things also depend on the cultural habits and you should take account of this.

If it would be shocking for some families to do certain things with this body, this dead body, then don’t do this, adapt yourself to the cultural norms. It doesn’t really mean the world but in one way or another you can learn to how to go about with people who are dying and with the remains of this life.

There is no hard and fast rule for these things. Many things also depend on the cultural habits and you should take account of this.

When you see the person who just passed away

It’s not that you should be anxious for situations that may present themselves around people who are dying. It happens sometimes that people can see a person who has passed away and they are frightened of this.  They really shouldn’t be.

It’s a real contact and you should be able to pray for this person. Often such a person who stays on Earth, not knowing what he actually wants, assumes an attitude of wait and see. Does he want to really stay, now that he has another view of people or does he want to go further on his way because something within him is calling for him to go his own way and to leave this Earth?

When you can see a person who has passed away, you should be able to pray for this person.

After their death often a person becomes conscious of the fact that he still has a whole way to go and that this may be a very hard and difficult journey and this troubles him. Then he begins to hesitate, and when people pray for him the light can come to him, and because of this prayer he may  receive the impression that he can go along with the light together with the one who is praying.

People who pray are able to go out of their own bodies and go to the other and the other person can then see this. At least in part, because the person who has passed away will always have to go a part of the way on his own, but this can happen in a matter of seconds.

It’s also possible to ask for guidance and by these prayers of those around him he can ask for and receive this guidance. This will make that he will be able to go to his own sphere more quickly, and this is highly significant. The bodies, the ethereal and other bodies, will then be able to dissolve more quickly.

This signifies a certain blessing for this Earth, but not always. Some ethereal bodies were very refined, by the life of the one who had been on Earth. For instance, a genius can leave behind a subtle body that stays on this Earth and retains his talents. When someone else incarnates he can then let that ethereal body go to this other person, so that this individual inherits his talents – in the subtle this is all possible – while the genius, himself, what you could still call the person, passes on to his own sphere.

In this way the bodies can have a very great meaning for the people here on Earth. There are also negative forces involved in this, but I’d rather not speak about this right now." 

A genius can leave behind a subtle body that stays on this Earth and retains his talents. When someone else incarnates he can then let that ethereal body go to this other person, so that this individual inherits his talents.

Master Morya

Master Morya

Geert Crevits ©
Source: “Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart”
from chapter 7: 'Questions about Dying'

Morya Wisdom 3: God lives in your heart